Blockchain, IOT, AI and any ‘hipster’ tech

I have seen a lot of movement in new startups about this new tech trend, in my opinion we need to work on enhance this tech, because is too early in term of implementation, security and real usage. I think the real usage for now is about of speculation money and raise founds by: get a lot of money for my mediocre idea. using startups, ideas, etc “99% of Blockchain Startups Are Bullshit” — @jamie247 https://t....

September 8, 2017 · 1 min · Carlos Ramos

install passenger 5, ruby 2.x, nginx 1.10.x and enable HTTP/2

Recently I found that passenger in the last version now uses nginx 1.10.x by default, as you knows since nginx 1.9.x nginx enables support for http2 but the 1.9.x on nginx is beta and when released the line 1.10 is production ready. The process will be describe for ubuntu 14.4 and 16.4: Install Dependencies apt-get update -y apt-get upgrade -y apt-get install sudo -y install the required packages: sudo apt-get install -y build-essential zlib1g-dev libyaml-dev libssl-dev libgdbm-dev libreadline-dev libncurses5-dev libffi-dev curl openssh-server checkinstall libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libicu-dev logrotate python-docutils pkg-config cmake nodejs git-core Install Ruby For production sites is a MUST install from sources without using any versions managers like RVM, RENV or whatever this is why leads to hard to diagnose problems....

June 24, 2016 · 2 min · Carlos Ramos

My dotfiles

Yes, I finally setup my work environment to work across in my differents machines, I used this tools for that: Tmux Powerline fonts patched (I uploaded my fonts patched) Iterm2 (v3.3) NeoVim Oh-My-Zsh Spf13 vim configuration Check out my public repo in that I wrote how to install if you want reuse my config.

December 21, 2015 · 1 min · Carlos Ramos

Learning Elixir programming language

I’m really exited about to learn new programming language ‘Elixir’ running on top of Erlang OTP, I was reading some books like ‘Metaprograming with elixir’ and other things. The idea of learning is create a websocket for my startup folgama in that I’m planning to ’STREAM’ all of activities about a person, adding geolocalization, upload pictures, send messages. I’m going to share here some of my experience working on that.

November 24, 2015 · 1 min · Carlos Ramos

Restarting to write in this blog

Awesome news! I need improve my english for this i use this blog for practice my writing, if you read some stranger words write happy comments :P, but for photography I’ll write in spanish. happy blogging.

March 13, 2015 · 1 min · Carlos Ramos

great plugin for share session in rails apps between wordpress blog

In one project, the client wants to share same user credentials between rails app to wordpress site, I’ve worked in the same problem 5 years ago creating a plugin for this, so wordpress change many features and I need this feature fast, googling i find this solution: rails login this plugin only need a small API for enable login i created this code in model user: def wp_json { user: { email: self....

March 13, 2015 · 1 min · Carlos Ramos

Sesión de fotos a topceña Thais Alejandra

Una muestra de fotos con la palla de la entrada universitaria 2014 que la publique en mi pagina de facebook Carlos Ramos, fotografo

September 16, 2014 · 1 min · Carlos Ramos


Hice revivir el blog, la verdad tengo bastantes cosas por escribir, algunas cosas que vivi y otras que simplemente que cualquier persona “normal” no las tomaria para bien si las leyera. Dentro de poco ire publicando mas cosas.

May 13, 2014 · 1 min · Carlos Ramos

Un breve resumen de lo que aconteció hasta este momento

Pues vi mi ultimo post … ya paso mas de un año sin actualizar el blog, este espacio que me encantaba escribir lo que aprendia, veia y sentia. este es el update rapido: Soy lider de una consultora de desarrollo de software Zenlabs, enfocada en Ruby on Rails Fanatico a la fotografia, metiendo un poco a lo profesional Deje barado pero estoy tratando de re-activarlo. ahora estoy viendo de fortalecer la comunidad de Ruby y Rails en Bolivia, esta es mi meta a corto plazo....

June 27, 2013 · 1 min · Carlos Ramos

Carnaval de Oruro 2012

Saque algunas fotos del carnaval de oruro 2012, espero les guste: carakan Carnaval de Oruro 2012 photoset

February 20, 2012 · 1 min · Carlos Ramos

Canon digital en Argentina, la NADA invade latinoamerica

Acabo de enterarme que se esta gestando el proyecto de la ley sobre el canon digital en el pais de Argentina al igual que en españa y que comente en mi blog sobre el tema, para que entiendas sobre el tema les muestro esta imagen que explica a fondo el canon digital. Visto en el denker uber

June 29, 2011 · 1 min · Carlos Ramos

Charla de Martin VARSAVSKY sobre la situación de España y Latinoamérica

Hola de años! :) me encontre con este genial video que si bien merece escribir mi punto de vista al respecto, pero que la vedad por falta de tiempo y practica no lo hare, pues bien aqui va el video.

June 27, 2011 · 1 min · Carlos Ramos