In my current work, I’m using (abusing) of the ruby safe operator &, which is a native implementation of the null pattern, for example, in a chain of messages:


It could be thrown an error when for example the billings of a user is empty and first returns a nil object and then nil.cost creates an Exception.

With the safe operator & this avoids the error:

user.billings.first&.cost # => 5.3838

So, in the last part of the code using the & is not causing an error because the safe operator logic is:

nil&.any_method # => nil

At the internals, the Ruby language is added with metaprogramming any method into the class NilClass and that method only returns nil, this is totally useful to avoid runtime errors.

The problem appears when is needed to compare values, specifically with the methods ending with ?, check this table:

nil.nil?       # returns: true
nil&.nil?      # returns: nil
nil.empty?     # returns: true
nil&.empty?    # returns: nil
nil.blank?     # returns: true
nil&.blank?    # returns: nil
nil.present?   # returns: false
nil&.present?  # returns: nil

And evaluating nil in conditionals is false, for example, this trivial code:


If the user does not have a store, nil.purchases throws an exception, avoiding the error the code looks like:


This code avoids runtime errors but adds a new logic error, this code never sent an email, that is because nil&.empty? always returns nil if the store is a nil value.

To avoid this behavior only delete the & at the end, now the code is:


now nil.empty? (in rails) returns the correct true and sends the email.


Use safe operator & with confidence, but when you add to a method that compares values, avoid or double-check the usage of &.