The last version of ElixirLS have a lot of improvements, for example a new robust code suggestion provided by elixir-sense, intellisense with code documentation and other larger changes, but now i didn’t see an actual release to use it, so in this post we will clone the last repo, compile and will install in our local dev to take advantage of these new features.

First clone and generate the executables of elixirLS:

mkdir ~/lsp
git clone
cd elixir-ls
mix deps.get
mix compile
MIX_ENV=production mix elixir_ls.release -o ~/lsp/elixir-ls

now we need to configure into coc.nvim to use this new LSP server in section languageserver:

  "languageserver": {
    "elixir": {
      "command": "/Users/<your-username>/lsp/elixir-ls/",
      "filetypes": ["elixir", "eelixir"],
      "trace.server": "verbose",
      "rootPatterns": ["mix.exs"],
      "initializationOptions": {},
      "settings": {
        "elixirLS": {
          "dialyzerEnabled": false

And that is it!